CBRA_Patchv2 (2)
The weekly CBRA club net is held on Thursdays @ 20:00 (8pm) and is open to all licensed amateur radio operators. The net is held on the WA3SFJ 2 meter repeater, which operates on 146.850 MHz, standard negative offset, with a tone of 107.2. You may also join our net via AllStar on node 558300 or via Echolink on the WA3SFJ-R node 585690.
Home » Annex  » ARES
CBRA_Patchv2 (2)
The weekly CBRA club net is held on Thursdays @ 20:00 (8pm) and is open to all licensed amateur radio operators. The net is held on the WA3SFJ 2 meter repeater, which operates on 146.850 MHz, standard negative offset, with a tone of 107.2. You may also join our net via AllStar on node 558300 or via Echolink on the WA3SFJ-R node 585690.
- CBRA Committee
Home » Annex  » ARES


Cecil County ARES Net is held every Sunday on the air (OTA) from 8:00PM TO 9:00PM on the CBRA 146.85 Repeater. . This net is primarily for ARES members but is open to all licensed radio amateurs
- ARES Coordinator

Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES)

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment, with their local ARES leadership, for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes.




Cecil County ARES Net is held every Sunday on the air (OTA) from 8:00PM TO 9:00PM on the CBRA 146.85 Repeater.

This net is primarily for ARES members but is open to all licensed radio amateurs.


The Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®), a program of ARRL, The national association for Amateur Radio®, is comprised of organized, trained, and identified Amateur Radio operators who augment and support vital communications on behalf of the public through partner agencies and organizations during emergencies and disasters. The Amateur Radio Emergency Service, through its volunteer radio communicators, strives to be an effective partner in emergency and disaster response, providing public service partners at all levels with radio communications expertise, capability, and capacity.

ARES Membership Requirements

Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in ARRL or any other local or national organization is eligible to apply for membership in ARES.  Training may be required or desired to participate fully in ARES.  Please inquire at the local level for specific information.  Because ARES is an Amateur Radio program, only licensed radio amateurs are eligible for membership. The possession of emergency-powered equipment is desirable, but is not a requirement for membership.


Three levels of training will allow ARES participants to enter the program and migrate to higher levels of qualification and service.

• Level 1—This is the primary level for those who choose a non-leadership role as well as those new to Amateur Radio or emergency communications. This introductory training is conducted by the local ARES group to meet their needs and those of their served agency or partners. This training could be formal or informal and would introduce the ARES participant to the fundamentals of emergency communications and provide instruction on how participants are to conduct themselves while serving in the field or otherwise activated. Participants may elect to remain at this level, or any level, based upon the extent of their desired ARES involvement.

            To qualify for this level, participants shall have completed the following:

·        Obtain the ARES Task Book (For tracking member training and certifications)

·        Join an ARES group (like the CBRA ARES group)

·        Obtain Technician Class or higher Amateur Radio License

• Level 2—To qualify for this level, participants shall have completed the following courses:

·        ARRL’s EC-001: Introduction to Amateur Radio Emergency Communications

·        FEMA IS-100.c: Intro to Incident Command Systems

·        FEMA IS-200.c: ICS for Single Resource

·        FEMA IS 700.b: Introduction to National Incident Mgt. Systems

·        FEMA IS-800.c: National Response Framework

·        ARES Net Participation

·        Addition Proficiency Skills

Participants are also encouraged to take advantage of training opportunities available through partners to enhance their knowledge and skill set.

• Level 3—This level of training prepares ARES participants to take on leadership positions such as EC, ADEC, DEC, ASEC, and SEC, and other designated positions in the ARES program. Participants are required to complete:

·        ARRL’s EC-016, Emergency Communications for Management,

·        FEMA Professional Development Series of courses

o   FEMA IS-120.c: An introduction to Exercises

o   FEMA IS-230.d: Fundamentals of Emergency Management

o   FEMA IS-235.c: Emergency Planning

o   FEMA IS-240.b: Leadership & Influence

o   FEMA IS-241.b: Decision Making and Problem Solving

o   FEMA IS-242.b: Effective Communications

o   FEMA IS-244.b: Developing and Managing Volunteers

o   FEMA IS-288.a: Role of Voluntary organizations in Emergency Management

o   FEMA IS-2200: Basic Emergency Operations Center Functions

o   ARRL EC-016L Public Service and Emergency Communications Management

·        ARES Net Participations

·        Public Service Event Participation

·        Simulated Emergency Test or Exercise Participation (Bi-Annually)

·        Serve as Net Control

·        Present Training sessions

·        Hold/ Held a Leadership Position in a group

·        Participate in PIO Activities