Join the Chesapeake Bay Radio Association, Inc.
Joining the C.B.R.A. is easy. Membership dues are $35/year for Full (individual) members or $17.50 Per Family Membership (min 2).
You can join online anytime at and even pay by credit card (through PayPal checkout – no PayPal account required).
How to Join on HamClubOnline
We use HamClubOnline, a service that allows us to manage our club membership and provide services and notifications to club members. Registering with HamClubOnline is free for members and makes managing and renewing your club membership very easy!
1. Go to
2. If you already have a HamClubOnLine account, log in, if not, select “Register New” and create your personal account. (Image 1)
3. Once at the main menu, select “Apply for Membership with a HamClubOnline Club” and then search for Club code “WA3SFJ“ (Image 2)
4. Fill in the application with your information and select “Submit Application” You will be asked to pay your dues with PayPal (you can use a credit card – you do not have to sign up for a PayPal account).
5. You’re done! You will receive a receipt via email and we will send you some welcome information. Thank you for supporting CBRA.

Image 1: HamClubOnline Member Login Example

Image 2: HamClubOnline Apply for Membership Location Example

Image 2b: HamClubOnline - Apply to a Club example
renewing CBRA Membership on HamClubOnline
1. Go to HamClubOnline - Payment System (CLICK HERE)
2. Enter your email address that was used to registered with the CBRA
(Image 3a)
3. Verify existing Membership details, At this time if you chose to, you can modify your membership type to a Full Membership (Individual) or Family Membership Plan by selecting the change in the lower section of the application.
4. Follow the instructions after you either click on the existing membership button or by clicking on the new membership type.
Payments are made using paypal and no Paypal account is required to make Debit/Credit Card payment.