CBRA_Patchv2 (2)
The weekly CBRA club net is held on Thursdays @ 20:00 (8pm) and is open to all licensed amateur radio operators. The net is held on the WA3SFJ 2 meter repeater, which operates on 146.850 MHz, standard negative offset, with a tone of 107.2. You may also join our net via AllStar on node 558300 or via Echolink on the WA3SFJ-R node 585690.
Home » Annex » Skywarn  » CBRA – SKYWARN Subscription
CBRA_Patchv2 (2)
The weekly CBRA club net is held on Thursdays @ 20:00 (8pm) and is open to all licensed amateur radio operators. The net is held on the WA3SFJ 2 meter repeater, which operates on 146.850 MHz, standard negative offset, with a tone of 107.2. You may also join our net via AllStar on node 558300 or via Echolink on the WA3SFJ-R node 585690.
- CBRA Committee
Home » Annex » Skywarn  » CBRA – SKYWARN Subscription

This subscription is not a replacement for the NWS SKYWARN system. 

It is a means for the CBRA club to keep aware of members who are SKYWARN trained or interested for future club related activities or exercises. 

If you want more information on SKYWARN, please visit:                                               
